Category Archives: Contest

VHF-UHF-SHF Contest March 2014

March 3rd, 2014

Many thanks to all enthusiasts on 23 and 13 cm, who spent up to 20 minutes to complete a QSO with me. Tropo conditions were not too good this time and especially 2320 MHz it seemed to have an additional attenuation on all signals. But never the less, quite a lot of QSOs filled the log. More stations than I could handle, requested skeds via the ON4KST chat. I have to apologize for all my replies like “pse qrx, meep u when free”, I forgot about. So, all I can say is:

Please excuse me for forgetting to meep you!

Indeed, this chat is a great tool, I don´t want to miss it. But in times of contest it can be a challenge, like the contest itself. I will not apply for to do without, it is rather a question, how to use it. The amount of information, flowing over the screen, is immense. On saturday afternoon or on sunday morning, relevant entries might disappear within less than a minute. So I have to think about optimizing my software tools.

QSOs on 1296 MHz

Skilled VHF Operators may smile, when I tell them, 58 QSOs on 23 cm and 19 QSOs on 13 cm are hard work. The sum of that is the number they work within the first hour of their contest section. But in fact, the world above 1 GHz is a different one. The beams of the antennas are much narrower compared to VHF and UHF. The dense of stations is much less, since it is not like plug and play to become QRV up there. The attenuation increases GHz by GHz and all that results in real work for most of the QSOs. There are only a few big guns on 23 cm to be heard from any antenna direction. So the band seems to be empty, even at contest time. But the chat is an oppotunity for all kind of stations to arrange skeds and to have QSOs over distances of several hundred kilometers. And, especially when using aircraft scatter, patience could be needed to complete.

QSOs on 2320 MHz

Review: Activityweek Rhineland-Palatine 2014

January 8th, 2014

The battle is over. I had my last QSO with Patrick, DH2PA on 70 cm just before the contest closed after seven days. There was a big regional activity on VHF, UHF and SHF, much more than last year. Finally I logged 414 QSOs on the four bands I have been active, compared to 266 in 2013. It is remarkable that there were many locals with improvised equipment on 23 cm. Just one new square on 2320 MHz could be worked during the activityweek: IK3GHY in JN65DM via aircraft scatter. But collecting new squares is getting harder and harder, the more are already worked. The tropo conditions remained normal during the seven days, so there was less DX than last year. This time I found four partners for 4-band-QSOs: DL7QY, DL8YG, DF5AY and DB6NT.

The top five of the most worked stations in this contest:
1. DL7QY    24 QSOs on 4 bands (2 m, 70 cm, 23 cm, 13 cm)
2. DC8WPA   18 QSOs on 3 bands (2 m, 70 cm, 23 cm)
   DJ1FZ    18 QSOs on 3 bands (2 m, 70 cm, 23 cm)
   DK0RLP   18 QSOs on 3 bands (2 m, 70 cm, 23 cm)
   DK7UP    18 QSOs on 3 bands (2 m, 70 cm, 23 cm)

Thank you all for your support and your patience!
        total       District K      DL ex K    F,I,OK,OZ,SM   Squares
BAND    QSO Stn     QSO Stn DOK     QSO Stn     QSO Stn       total new
 144    183  94      99  43  26      82  48       3   3          15
 432    134  66      69  31  20      65  35       0   0          10
1296     79  37      36  14  12      34  16       9   7          16
2320     19  11       1   1   1      15   7       3   3          10   1

Back from Italy!

October 27th, 2013

Last night we returned from Italy, where we spent some days after the Alpe Adria Meeting. It was nice to receive the award for the 2nd place in the Alpe Adria Contest 2013 on 23 cm, to meet the Hams there and to have interesting talks with them.

DSC_9866 Alpe Adria 2013

Dino, IV3FDO was very hospitable and took some time to show us certain interesting places. So we learned, that the most delicious prosciutto of the world is produced in San Daniele and not in Parma.

Back on Earth…..

June 17th, 2013

….. I worked in the Alpe Adria Contest last Sunday on 23 cm. In parallel there was an activity contest in Czechia. So a lot of stations from east, southeast and south filled the log.

Alpe Adria Contest 2013 on 23 cm

Remarkable was a nice SSB-QSO with Mirek, OK2UYZ in JN99FS over more than 700 km via tropo. Lane, S54AA in JN76EG could be worked, who was beaming into a large valley towards the Alps with mountains of 2.500 m. Another aircraft scatter QSO I had with Walter, IW3SPI in JN66OD, who is very, very close to the Alps.

Pathinfo by AirScout

Path information by AirScout

The reflections were rare and short but enough to complete.

Review: Activity week Rhineland-Palatine 2013

January 14th, 2013

It was big fun working in contest for a whole week. I felt a bit like Phil Connors in the movie “Groundhog Day” (german: “Und täglich grüßt das Murmeltier”), in meeting most of the stations again day by day. My main activity was in the evenings on 23 and 13 cm, using 2 m, 70 cm and the ON4KST chat to arrange skeds. The conditions were slightly over normal but increasing on monday with a small opening to France. During the seven days I could work one new square on 2 m (JN15), two on 23 cm (JN09, JN15) and three on 13 cm (JN09, JO42, JO44). There were only two 4-band QSOs with DL7QY and DC1UR.

My top 5 of the most worked stations in this contest are:
DF8PR    16 QSOs on 3 bands (2 m, 70 cm, 23 cm)
DC8WPA   15 QSOs on 3 bands (2 m, 70 cm, 23 cm)
DK7UP    13 QSOs on 3 bands (2 m, 70 cm, 23 cm)
DL7QY    12 QSOs on 4 bands (2 m, 70 cm, 23 cm, 13 cm)
G3XDY     8 QSOs on 2 bands (23 cm, 13 cm)

Thank you all for your support and your patience!

        total      District K     DL ex K    France     I,OE,G,LX    Squares
Band    QSO Stn    QSO Stn DOK    QSO Stn    QSO Stn    QSO Stn      total new
 144    100  58     72  31  18     25  24      3   3      0   0        11   1
 432     65  31     54  22  15     11   9      0   0      0   0         6   0
1296     73  34     27   9   8     21  11     14  10     11   4        21   2
2320     28  15      2   2   2     14   8      5   3      7   2        12   3

NAC(?) 23 cm – October 2012

October 16th, 2012

The Nordic Activity Contest is always a very good opportunity to work . . . Italians!

Tonight everything was upside down. After loosing John, G3XDY in QSB – a fact that is very, very strange – I wanted to turn the dish via south to north, when Sergio, I1KFH was meeping me. We tried and had our QSO in SSB. What else to say? Giorgio, IK3GHY followed as well as Robert, IZ4BEH and Frank, IK3HHG and Walter, IW2BNA and finally Roberto, IK2OFO.

Mille grazie. Buona notte!

NAC to Italy

NAC to Italy

Contest results on 23 cm: 1990 vs 2012

October 11th, 2012

My operating conditions have changed quite a lot compared to October 1990. But my QTH is still the same in the south of Mainz, JN49CV. The most serious circumstance is, that we have internet and software defined radios nowadays. The possibility to arrange skeds and to gather information is revolutionary. It´s easy to find stations in the waterfall diagram, that are not on your frequency. No more CQs for hours and hours. Instead the chat must be watched and skeds will be arranged.

QSOs in October contest 1990

Rig: 1.2 m dish / 10 m RG213 / 120 W

Claimed result: 78 QSOs, 12000 km, ODX 404 km


QSOs in October contest 2012

Rig: 3 m dish / 3.5 m ecoflex 15 / 0.4 dB preamp / 10 m ecoflex 15 / 200 W

Claimed result: 53 QSOs, 18000 km, ODX 725 km


IARU-Region-1 UHF/Microwaves October Contest

October 8th, 2012

“Bad weather and bad conditions” that is, what most comments say about this contest. The weather here in Mainz was bad too, but I cannot compare the conditions with the contests in the last years, because my last participation in this contest was in 1990. This year it ended up in 50 QSOs on 23 cm and 19 on 13 cm. I am quite satisfied with these results.

QSOs on 23 cm


QSOs on 13 cm

My new ODX on 13 cm is OL9W in JN99CL over 720 km. A lot of new squares could be worked too. Many DX stations were nearly as strong as they were on 23 cm.