October 21st, 2014
Last night, when I was going to switch off all the stuff in my shack, I saw an email from Malte, DE7LMS. I opened it and found a link to a video he recorded of my recent presentation in Weinheim.
Last night, when I was going to switch off all the stuff in my shack, I saw an email from Malte, DE7LMS. I opened it and found a link to a video he recorded of my recent presentation in Weinheim.
My presentation “Let´s Bounce” will be given on two more dates:
Short version of the lecture with focus on aircraft scatter and ISS bounce.
We meet at 15:00 MEST on the car park at the town hall. There will be a flee market for GHz stuff and the opportunity to test own equipment or to have QSOs with other participants.
Gaststätte “Ratsschänke”
Oppenröder Strasse 1, 35463 Fernwald-Steinbach
Locator: JO40JN33VG
Full Version with overview of propagation modes, aircraft scatter, ISS bounce and visual moonbounce.
Deutscher Amateur Radio Club e.V.
Ortsverband Miltenberg, B24
Gasthaus “Goldenes Faß”
Kirchstraße 13, 63920 Großheubach
Locator: JN49OR64JJ
If you like to attend or need further information, just send an email to dj5ar (at) darc.de
Short talk about reception of space probe ISEE-3, moon bounce and radio astronomy with radio editor Udo Langenohl, DK5YA, on german radio station HR1 in a Sunday morning program “Lust am Hören” (fancy listening).
After giving the presentation in english language in Clonbur, Ireland on August 25th, there will be two more dates in Germany:
September 13th, 2014 at the VHF/UHF/SHF Convention in Weinheim as a short version.
September 27th, 2014 at the “Distriktsservicetag” of DARC districts K (Rhineland-Palatine) and Q (Saarland) in Saarbrücken.
I will talk about how to surmount the horizon on VHF and up.
After giving an overview over the classic propagation modes Es, Aurora, MS and Tropo, I will explain, how aircraft scatter and ISS bounce work. EME will be subjected too and the presentation will be completed by an introduction to “Visual Moonbounce” as performed by Daniela de Paulis.
For the short version in Weinheim the overview over the classic propagation modes will be left out.
August 17th, 2014
Despite a lot of work in the garden and at the house I found some time to setup my old 16 element F9FT yagi. In the night from August 12th to August 13th and in the morning I logged at least 16 QSOs.
The list of sked requests became longer and longer during the night. Although I did my best to work all interested stations, it wasn´t possible to make QSOs with all of them. Sorry! The conditions weren´t too good, but improved a little during the morning of 13th.
I worked: 8 x DL, 2 x I, 1 x LA, 2 x OK, 1 x PA, 2 x S5 in 15 different squares. ODX was S51AT in JN61GW over 2,075 km.
I am located at the southern shore of Lough Mask with the mountains of Connemara to the south and the west (IO53HN).
EI8HH in IO53hn
My best take off is to GM and LA.
Please QSL via DJ5AR.
On July 24th, 2014 on 19:00 CEST I will talk about how to surmount the horizon on VHF and up at the local DARC Club in Bodenheim near Mainz.
After giving an overview over the classic propagation modes Es, Aurora, MS and Tropo, I will explain, how aircraft scatter and ISS bounce work. EME will be subjected too and the presentation will be completed by an introduction to “Visual Moonbounce” as performed by Daniela de Paulis.
Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club e.V.
Ortsverband Bodenheim
Haus der Vereine
Laubenheimer Str. 22
55294 Bodenheim
The admission is free, but please register via email to
DK2FQ wolfgang.beer (at) gmx.net or to me dj5ar (at) darc.de
The destructive thunderstorm in the Köln/Düsseldorf area last night was intense enough to provide rainscatter even on 1.3 GHz. DB0AJA near Würzburg in JN59AS could be heard with the typical rainscatter sound when the dish was heading 325°. An awful lot of water must have been in the air. The total distance of the signal path was about 400 km (150 + 250).
The waterfall shows the spread of the signal. DB0AJA runs 20 W output into a 16 element Flexa yagi beaming northwest.
Since I will be back in Ireland in August, I plan to be QRV for the perseids on meteor scatter, activating my irish callsign EI8HH. The location is in Clonbur, Co.Galway, IO53HN. My equipment will be a FT-897 with 50 W into a 17 element yagi (F9FT) on 144 MHz.
My last MS QSOs dated back to 1989, when high speed CW was state of the art. To gather some experience with WSJT and FSK441, I watched the 144.370 MHz and worked YO9MN and GM6VXB randomly.
Another test with GM4ZJI couldn´t be completed, because we had to leave for QRL. But I got a nice burst from him at the end of our try:
065730 12.5 260 13 27 -158 FO5AR GM4ZJI 26 26 DJ5AR GM4ZJI 26 .9C$H
065730 12.8 840 10 26 -151 DJ5AR GM4ZJI 7 DJ5AR GM4ZJI 26 26 D
065730 13.8 120 2 26 -158 J AR GM4ZJI #6 / ,C
Later I worked Dermot, EI7IX, from Westport, very close to my irish QTH (a compilation of his bursts):
094000 17.7 340 13 27 -43 73 EI7IX 73 EI7IX 73 EI7IX 73 EI7IX 73
094100 11.9 520 6 26 -58 NX/73 EI7IX 73 EI7IX 73 EI7IX 73 EI7IX
094100 25.3 440 11 27 -41 YX 73 EI7IX 73 EI7IX 73 EI7IX 73 EI7IX 7
The italian-dutch artist Daniela de Paulis is the inventor of visual moonbouce. Slow scan television is used to send pictures towards the moon. When the bounced signals will be received and visualized, the pictues are a kind of distorted and win a very special charm.
The pictures shown below are screenshots, I took during a performance on April 13th, 2014.
I am very proud, that Daniela has choosen one of my pictures for her performance. It shows the moon resting on clouds and has been bounced at the moon.
Nando, I1NDP, transmitted a selection of pictures in SSTV, to be received by PI9CAM with the radiotelescope at Dwingeloo. Using a “GOOGLE Hangout”, an audience from all over the world watched live, how Daniela and her team (Nando, I1NDP, Jan, PA3FXB, and many more) were bouncing all the pictures at the moon.
A video recording of the session can be found here.
In future it will be used by radio amateurs, amateur astronomers and artists for certain projects.