Category Archives: Meteor Scatter

Activity as EI8HH is over now

October 21st, 2020

QSOs in October 2020: MS in red, FT8 in green and SSB in blue

While refurbishing our irish home, I found some time in the mornings and the evenings to be active on 2 m. At least I worked 31 squares. Even on 23 cm I got 3 Calls to the log. The rig so far is an IC-9700 with a 7 element yagi and a linear amplifier with 200 W on 2 m and a 69 element yagi on 23 cm,

Now I have to close the station and take the antennas down. It has been a lot of fun and I hopefully will be back next year, if pandemic allows. Many ideas are in my mind now, how to improve the station over here.

Many thanks to Joe, EI3IX, his N adapter female-female allowed me, to run 2 m and 23 cm simultaneously 😉 .

EI8HH on Air

October 2nd, 2020

As some work at our families house in Ireland has to be done, I am spending 3 weeks over here in IO53HN. I got my new IC-9700 with me and have antennas for 2 m and 23 cm. As I have to restrict my movements by government order, no portable activites are possible in the first two weeks. So I will try to work in the UHF/SHF Contest on 23 cm from the southern lake shore of Lough Mask. My favourite direction is to GI/GM. Maybe I can go to a better QTH later in the 23 cm UKAC. On 144 MHz I will focus on meteor scatter in the morning hours.

In a first test on 2 m I worked GI and GM in FT8. GM7PKT came back on my very first CQ. Later I tried meteor scatter with my german neighbour Mathias, DH4FAJ. As he has massive QRM, he couldn´t hear anything, but I copied him twice with +4 dB. So better to try in the morning again.

Tropo to Belarus this Morning on 144 MHz

September 9th, 2020

A nice inversion could be seen out of the window of my shack this morning, promising good conditions. In fact I have been a little too far south for the duct, but at least I had two QSOs to Belarus in FT8.

Green: worked – Red: heard via tropo – Blue: heard via meteor scatter

The stations worked and heard via tropo have been in distances up to 1300 km. Occasionally signals appeared from more distant stations, 1500 and more km away. These could be decoded in one or two periods, then disappeared. Some reappeared later in the same manner, so it´s very likely, it has been meteor scatter, as it happened in the early morning, when conditions are good for sporadic meteors.

WorkedHrd TropoHrd MS

EI8HH – Active in the Perseids

August 17th, 2014

Despite a lot of work in the garden and at the house I found some time to setup my old 16 element F9FT yagi. In the night from August 12th to August 13th and in the morning I logged at least 16 QSOs.

The list of sked requests became longer and longer during the night. Although I did my best to work all interested stations, it wasn´t possible to make QSOs with all of them. Sorry! The conditions weren´t too good, but improved a little during the morning of 13th.

I worked: 8 x DL, 2 x I, 1 x LA, 2 x OK, 1 x PA, 2 x S5 in 15 different squares. ODX was S51AT in JN61GW over 2,075 km.


I am located at the southern shore of Lough Mask with the mountains of Connemara to the south and the west (IO53HN).

EI8HH in IO53hn

DSC_3732My best take off is to GM and LA.

Please QSL via DJ5AR.

Meteor Scatter: Back in Business!

May 8th, 2014

Since I will be back in Ireland in August, I plan to be QRV for the perseids on meteor scatter, activating my irish callsign EI8HH. The location is in Clonbur, Co.Galway, IO53HN. My equipment will be a FT-897 with 50 W into a 17 element yagi (F9FT) on 144 MHz.

My last MS QSOs dated back to 1989, when high speed CW was state of the art. To gather some experience with WSJT and FSK441, I watched the 144.370 MHz and worked YO9MN and GM6VXB randomly.
Another test with GM4ZJI couldn´t be completed, because we had to leave for QRL. But I got a nice burst from him at the end of our try:

065730 12.5  260 13 27 -158   FO5AR GM4ZJI 26 26 DJ5AR GM4ZJI 26 .9C$H
065730 12.8  840 10 26 -151   DJ5AR GM4ZJI  7    DJ5AR GM4ZJI 26 26 D
065730 13.8  120  2 26 -158   J AR GM4ZJI #6 / ,C

Later I worked Dermot, EI7IX, from Westport, very close to my irish QTH (a compilation of his bursts):

094000 17.7  340 13 27  -43   73 EI7IX 73 EI7IX 73 EI7IX 73 EI7IX 73
094100 11.9  520  6 26  -58   NX/73 EI7IX 73 EI7IX 73 EI7IX 73 EI7IX
094100 25.3  440 11 27  -41   YX 73 EI7IX 73 EI7IX 73 EI7IX 73 EI7IX 7